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Paying attention to common and common high-risk cases in the poultry feed production process


In January 2011, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FMSA) was approved as a law. This action aims to change the approach to food safety and FMSA instead of reacting to the spread of problems caused by substances. Food prevents the occurrence of these types of problems. This law is for the implementation of the risk analysis feed safety plan and the application of risk-based preventive controls (HARPC) to cases such as complying with the facilities that produce feed and food items needed for feeding animals. processing, packaging or storage. In general, HARPC is similar to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and is usually used for human foods such as meat, seafood and fruit juice, but it may be with active establishments. If you are unfamiliar with the production of poultry feed, in the United States of America, the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for enforcing laws related to pet and livestock feed. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FFDCA) indicates that all the feeds used in animal nutrition, as well as human foods, must have the necessary and desirable safety and be produced under hygienic conditions and free from harmful substances. and have a real label on them.

The animal feed industry is a huge investment that only due to the risks that threaten the safety of the feed, it experiences compliance with many laws. The cost associated with the implementation of each of these laws varies depending on the scope and scale of the problem. Normally, the costs include cases such as lawsuits, state crimes, loss, sales, etc. The consequences of food safety threats go beyond economic damage. This category of risks can potentially produce risks for the health of humans and animals. For example, chickens fed with aflatoxin feed have the potential to transfer this group of chemical compounds to humans through meat and eggs, and they can cause adverse effects in humans, including cancer. Mentioned toxicity and liver toxicity. The implementation of risk analysis is the first step in the growth and development of the food safety program. In general, risk analysis pursues goals such as identifying potential risks during the process as well as risks arising from them for human and animal health. Also, risks are divided under physical, biological and chemical headings, which includes radiological, and they can be classified according to frequency and intensity. In many cases, risks can be controlled through good manufacturing practices (CGMP), which are available in written form, as well as standard operating procedures (SOP), but in some other cases, risks require stronger preventive controls. Intensity and frequency are among the factors that can determine the need for preventive controls of a hazard, and this is based on the facilities and types of nutrition. This article aims to introduce a list of common and common risks in the production process of feeds used in feeding chickens, but this list is not comprehensive and complete. A complete risk analysis that aims to identify risks for all facilities and installations should only be performed by a qualified person in terms of preventive control (PC). There are 3 categories

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  Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) regarding the handling and application of management on devices and personal effects should be implemented with the aim of preventing the occurrence of physical hazards caused by these items. Physical data must be available in writing and they are used only in the feed analysis process. In this case, the owners of feed processing factories should implement the complete process of risk analysis with the aim of determining the exact location of the occurrence of this category of risks and the process of entering them into the process and implementing safety protocols or the HARPC program, as well as evaluating its frequency and severity.
Common biological hazards

"Blog" means 1- Biologically, the risks are related to things such as parasites, bacterial pathogens, viruses, as well as disease-producing agents. After examining and evaluating the biological and dangerous factors in human and pet food, it has been found that the number of these factors in poultry feed is small. There is a special mechanism in the intestine of poultry, which is responsible for preventing the penetration of bacteria into the lining of the intestine and causing disease, and on the other hand, it can reduce the number of disease agents and worry with

face limitations In addition, the feeds used in poultry feeding are in direct contact with humans to a lesser extent, and the results of studies indicate that in this respect, humans are exposed to health threats to a lesser extent than pet food.

Salmonella A

Salmonella is one of the pathogenic factors that can cause complications such as stomach and intestinal swelling in humans, and the occurrence of this complication is often associated with cases such as consuming raw or undercooked poultry products.

  Although more than 2,600 species of Salmonella have been identified that are effective in producing swelling and inflammation and they can cause diseases in humans, it should be noted that all Salmonella species

They do not have the necessary potential to cause contamination in poultry. In the process of producing feed for chickens, there are only the main and important species of high-risk salmonella, among which species such as Salmonella polorum gallinarum and Enteridit can be mentioned. These three species have enough potential to produce disease in turkeys, hunting birds, pheasants Quail, horned chicken, cake and ornamental birds such as peacock

  Contamination of the poultry breeding place with these species has symptoms, among which we can mention things such as the increase in the death rate, the spread of disease and the decrease in the amount of egg production. In general, Salmonella can be found in pelleted and ground feeds used in poultry feeding. However, it is worth noting that among the 25 very common serotypes found in animal feed, only one sample of the above species was found, which was Enteridit.

Listeria monocytogenes

It is a pathogenic bacterial agent that can cause listeriosis in humans, livestock and poultry. The cause of this disease can usually be found in moist water and soil environments. Listeriosis is rare in poultry. Having this disease leads to complications, one of which is angalitis

referred to local or septicemia.

In addition, it seems that chickens are among the sources of this disease and they can contaminate the substrate and environments related to the processing of poultry products.

Pathogenic viruses in poultry

  They can seriously endanger the health of poultry and can be transmitted through feed. The virus effective in producing influenza A, which is in the subgroup 2N9H, is classified as a virus with a low ability to produce disease.

However, poultry infected by this virus are more sensitive to the highly pathogenic 1N5H virus and other diseases. Migratory birds are among the important carriers of this disease, and this disease can be transmitted to poultry through direct or indirect contact with contaminated saliva, respiratory tract secretions, and excrement.

be domestically transferred. Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is one of the most dangerous viruses in the poultry industry. In general, IBV is a highly contagious coronavirus that can be found in poultry. This disease agent can be transmitted directly from one chicken to another or indirectly through airborne particles of people or contaminated equipment, materials used in packing eggs, bedding or visiting the farm. Food items that have been stored outside of the storage area are more susceptible to biological hazards due to contamination from bird droppings. These bacteria and viruses can cause disease through minimally processed food items. do The owners of food processing factories should pay attention to this category of risks when evaluating food materials and the processing flow. 6- The results of the studies indicate that the processing steps based on the use of heat should have the necessary ability to reduce the spread of many pathogenic agents and inactivate influenza viruses.
Common and common chemical hazards

  Chemical hazards can be divided into three groups under the headings of naturally created and intentionally produced. 2 In many cases, predicting chemical hazards is difficult and difficult, therefore controlling them is difficult and difficult. It is worth noting that chemical hazards are widely different and should be identified and recognized only through hazard analysis.
Natural chemical hazards

Mycotoxins are among the most common and common natural hazards that are created in the process of producing chicken feed. These toxins are produced by a wide range of fungi. But mostly they are created by cakes. 2 Although cakes are placed in the group of biological hazards, it should be noted that mycotoxins are placed in the group of chemical hazards. More than 200 species of fungi can produce a wide range of mycotoxins. Aflatoxin, Zerlenone, Ethoxin, 8-deoxynivalenol fumonisins, and 2-toxins are among the common and common ecotoxins that can significantly affect the health and profitability of poultry. The consumption of this category of mycotoxins leads to the emergence of various diseases, which are collectively referred to as mycotoxicosis. Infecting these diseases and the occurrence of their symptoms leads to consequences, among which we can mention the reduction of poultry productivity and, in severe cases, mortality.

  It is considered one of the most common types of mycotoxins and they are produced through the cakes of the fungus genus Aspergillus.

Contamination caused by them in corn, cotton seeds and peanuts as well as food crops grown in tropical and subtropical regions is common and common. - As a result of long-term exposure to aflatoxins, a complication called aflatoxicosis occurs, and this complication can cause a lot of damage due to the reduction in growth rate, increase in sensitivity to the disease, and reduction in egg production in the affected poultry. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on the frequency and severity of aflatoxins in animal feed has implemented a set of actions based on practical restrictions. They are described in the Food and Drug Organization's compliance policy guide, and this set of operations only targets Like the control of S

It follows the aflatoxin in animal feed. In order to deal with and prevent the occurrence of this type of possible risks, May breeders should carefully examine and evaluate the feed supply source. The weather condition can be considered as a factor to determine the relative probability of contamination caused by mycotoxins. And in this case, the number of test executions can be adjusted on this basis. They should be kept in the storage places after receiving the food ingredients in such a way that the occurrence of contamination and the growth of cakes in them can be prevented. For example, Aspergillus flavus can produce aflatoxin in an environment with a humidity of more than 17.5% and a temperature higher than 23.8 degrees Celsius.

to produce Controlling the food items in the storage places based on weather conditions is considered as one of the effective solutions to deal with and prevent the occurrence of this type of pollution and in parallel with reducing the number of food items in the warehouses in hot and humid seasons. The possibility of the growth of cakes and the production of mycotoxins is reduced.

  By adding detoxifying agents and compounds, breeders can prevent the symptoms of aflatoxicosis in chickens, which include things such as silymarin phospholipid complex or butylated hydroxytoluene.

cited. 10 However, reliance on toxic agents cannot be considered as a recommended alternative to maintain and control mycotoxin levels.
Unintended risks

In the process of producing poultry feed, unwanted chemical hazards occur at small levels and sometimes they are very severe. These hazards include, but are not limited to, pesticides and other chemical residues. The Food and Drug Organization (FDA) considers their toxicity and deficiency as a chemical risk, since a single source feed is provided to the birds and they are limited from the feed point through the choice of feed, so they must avoid the occurrence of toxicity. Or a lack of nutrients will prevent it. Also, since many of the products used in poultry feed are treated with insecticides and other chemical compounds with the aim of creating an acceptable or desirable product, then this category of products may contain chemical residues. In addition to this, the harvesting and production processes applied to food items may lead to the occurrence of contamination in them, among which we can mention greasy contamination caused by breath and other chemicals. This group of residues have the necessary ability to endanger the health of animals and humans because they can create a suitable environment for the accumulation of toxins in fat tissue.

The residue monitoring programs implemented by the Food and Drug Organization indicate that only a small number of animal feeds (less than 3.8% of the tested samples) contain levels higher than over the limit

In the process of risk assessment and analysis, the possibility of entering this category of chemical hazards into feed should be determined, and in this case, the implementation of optimal prevention methods is of great importance.

  Different animal species have different reactions to drugs. A drug used in feeds containing effective drugs for one species may be lethal for another species. For example, we can mention the use of ionophores such as monensin (Kuban), narasin (Montian), lasaloside (Avatech) or salinomycin Sacox (60) in chicken feed. Placed
Transfer of drug to food

  This process is very important in factories that have the ability to produce feed for different livestock species.

  Factories that consider drug-to-feed transfer as a risk need protocols to mitigate potential risks from drug residues. This category of risks increases in factories that have the ability to produce feed for different types of livestock. Applying methods based on arranging and washing drug transfer devices is a common and common thing, however, a factory needs things such as determining the effectiveness of using these methods to deal with and eliminate the risks caused by this for the desired livestock species. .

In some cases, some solutions, such as not producing a feed for a particular livestock species, and also not using a specific feed material, act as a desirable and optimal strategy. All animal feeds containing drugs should be produced and distributed based on a favorable and optimal production procedure. Varaki additives with the content of important antimicrobial compounds should be used according to the veterinary feed guidelines (VFD).

Veterinary medicine (MD) feed guidelines place the therapeutic use of drugs under veterinary supervision and require a prescription for the use of important drugs in the water and feed of important animals in terms of feed production.

Lack and effort in nutrients 1- Lack and toxicity in nutrients are among the most important reasons for isolation and non-use in poultry feed. 2. Poultry and chickens are among the most efficient livestock because they can grow quickly and efficiently
Relatively little environmental impact feed into a set

from food products for humans. Along with the increase in the rate of productivity and production of miran, their need for nutrients increases relatively. Pollets have the necessary ability to regulate feed consumption and energy supply

They have their needs. Now, if they are fed using rations with high energy content, in this case, polyps can reduce feed consumption, and the opposite is also true. Now, if the rations are not optimally balanced from the point of view of the amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, in this case, this causes the occurrence of deficiency in poultry.

Chickens are very sensitive to the toxicity caused by nutrients that come from different compounds, among which we can mention the increase in sodium, calcium and magnesium levels. Cottonseed meal is one of the edible ingredients that is widely used as a substitute for soybean meal in the diet of laying hens. By using this edible ingredient in the diet, the need for protein and energy is eliminated.

  During the process of extracting oil from it, a part of free gossypol (PG) can be connected to lysine, and this provides a suitable basis for reducing the availability of lysine.

In addition, gossypol can prevent the activity of pisin in the digestive system and this leads to a decrease in protein digestibility. Decrease in the amount, lame growth, reduction in egg size and hatching are among other symptoms of gossypol poisoning. Supplementing rations containing cotton seed meal using lysine is considered as an effective solution to prevent this poisoning.

How to prevent potential risks 1. Currently, animal feed factories have access to a set of good and optimal production methods (CGMPS) and strong standard operating procedures (SOPs), and they perform well from the point of view of reducing the probability of this category. However, some of these types of risks require much more severe prevention methods due to their severity or frequency. In general, methods based on preventive controls are available in 4 forms, including process control methods, methods based on health control, procedures related to supply chain control and with suppliers, as well as other control methods. The breeder should be aware of the fact that the decision to use prevention methods needs to be justified and based on the experiences gained in the factory, data related to the disease, scientific reports and sources related to Form the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In addition, all these justifications and reasons need a complete and fully documented explanation.

Source: Common hazards to consider during the manufacturing of poultry feeds. (2021). University of Florida. Translator, engineer Omid Aksafzadeh, an expert in animal science